Student Union is a University-level, student representative body of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar. It is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit organization that gathers students from all faculties, academies and study programs from Dzemal Bijedic University.
Student Union management members are:
- Mirza Lalić – president of the Student Union of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar;
- Mehmed Proho – vice-president;
- Rijad Gutošić, secretary general;
- Emanullah Hukić, Faculty of Information Technologies;
- Nedim Lapo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
- Anis Masleša, Faculty of Economy;
- Nedim Mustajbegović,Faculty of Humanities;
- Harun Isić, Law Faculty;
- Mirza Pajić, Faculty of Education;
- Nejla Habibija, Agro-Mediterranean Faculty;
- Rijad Skopljak, Student's center.
Strategic goals and tasks of the Student Union are:
- Participation of students in the process of designing and implementing of study programs at the University and its faculties, participation in the higher-education bodies in B&H
- Promotion of scientific, cultural and intellectual values in Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, and on the basis of these values supporting students as versatile individuals.
- Inclusion of students into European and worldwide trends, beyond geographical and political borders, as well as active participation of students in development and reconstruction of B&H.
- Promotion of freedom of scientific, teaching and educational processes at the faculties and the University, and an open dialogue with the society.
- Permanent activities on achieving favorable conditions for social, health and material security and involvement of foreign experts in our activities.
- International cooperation in professional, scientific, research, cultural, entertainment and sports activities.
- Developing summer practice programs for students in the country and abroad, based on scientific and professional programs of the faculties and the University.
- Organization of round tables, public discussions, seminars, symposia and other cultural events.
- Other activities relevant to the Union.
Student Union activities:
- Representing student rights and interests before the bodies of the University and state institutions in B&H.
- Student standard and rights
- International cooperation with student organizations and scientific and research institutions and foundations.
- The association can establish, within its scope of activities, units for economic and other activities, under legally defined conditions.
Student associations
University faculties, University-level interdisciplinary studies and the Student Dormitory have their own Union branches.
A student association aims at the following:
- ethical, intellectual, cultural and scientific growth of students at the Faculty,
- promotion and awareness of the need for IT education,
- organizing students and raising their awareness of their own values that are at the same time the main value of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- supporting and protecting its members,
- working on social and material student status,
- improvement of the teaching process,
- cooperation with alumni and new students and student organizations,
organizing round tables, public discussions, seminars, symposium and other cultural events, - promotion of the Faculty in the country and abroad,
- promotion of the city of Mostar and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- international cooperation with similar institutions,
- promotion of cooperation between the Faculty management and students.
Branch student associations of the Student Union:
- Student association of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (AS MFMO)
- Student association of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (AS GFMO)
- Student association of the Faculty of Information Technologies (AS FIT)
- Student association of the Law (AS PFMO)
- Student association of the Teacher-Training Faculty (AS NFMO)
- Student association of the Faculty of Humanities (AS FHN)
- Student association of the Faculty of Economy (AS EFMO)
- Student association of the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty (AS AFMO)
- Student association of the University healthcare study program (AS ZN)
- Student association of the University study program on Interior Design (AS DI)
- Student association of the University Tourism study program (AS T)
- Student association of the Interdisciplinary study program on Business Informatics (AS PI)
- Student association of the University Student Dormitory (AS SC)
Student Union activities:
- Representing student rights and interests before the bodies of the University and state institutions in B&H.
- Student standard and rights.
- International cooperation with student organizations and scientific and research institutions and foundations.
- Organizing round tables, public discussions, campaigns, seminars and workshops
- Student University league
- University debate competition
- Debating competition for students and high school students in the city of Mostar
- Knowledge quiz “My 1000 year old land”
- Chess tournament on the occasion of marking University anniversary
- Intensive work on Student conference of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Literary competition on the Statehood Day
- Organizing SPSS workshop
- Library holdings and physical reconstruction of the University library
- Student Union scroll of honor
- Organizing winter trips to the Bosnian mountains
- Organizing excursions to the Adriatic coast
- Organizing humanitarian activities on the occasion of religious holidays and the New Year’s Day.
- Voluntary blood donations at all faculties
- Competition for the best video material about Independence Day of Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Ceremony to mark the Independence Day of Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Marking the world’s days of poetry, diabetes, breast cancer prevention, fight against corruption
- Free iftar meals f during the month of fasting for Muslims...