Univerzitet Dzemal Bijedi


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Univerzitet "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru se zalaže za rodnu ravnopravnost.
Trenutno važeći GAP i drugi dokumenti su dostupni ovdje.

Student Union is a University-level, student representative body of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar. It is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit organization that gathers students from all faculties, academies and study programs from Dzemal Bijedic University.

unija studenata unmo

Student Union management members are:

  • Mirza Lalić – president of the Student Union of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar;
  • Mehmed Proho – vice-president;
  • Rijad Gutošić, secretary general;
  • Emanullah Hukić, Faculty of Information Technologies;
  • Nedim Lapo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
  • Anis Masleša, Faculty of Economy;
  • Nedim Mustajbegović,Faculty of Humanities;
  • Harun Isić, Law Faculty;
  • Mirza Pajić, Faculty of Education;
  • Nejla Habibija, Agro-Mediterranean Faculty;
  • Rijad Skopljak, Student's center.

Strategic goals and tasks of the Student Union are:

  • Participation of students in the process of designing and implementing of study programs at the University and its faculties, participation in the higher-education bodies in B&H
  • Promotion of scientific, cultural and intellectual values in Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, and on the basis of these values supporting students as versatile individuals.
  • Inclusion of students into European and worldwide trends, beyond geographical and political borders, as well as active participation of students in development and reconstruction of B&H.
  • Promotion of freedom of scientific, teaching and educational processes at the faculties and the University, and an open dialogue with the society.
  • Permanent activities on achieving favorable conditions for social, health and material security and involvement of foreign experts in our activities.
  • International cooperation in professional, scientific, research, cultural, entertainment and sports activities.
  • Developing summer practice programs for students in the country and abroad, based on scientific and professional programs of the faculties and the University.
  • Organization of round tables, public discussions, seminars, symposia and other cultural events.
  • Other activities relevant to the Union.

Student Union activities:

  • Representing student rights and interests before the bodies of the University and state institutions in B&H.
  • Student standard and rights
  • International cooperation with student organizations and scientific and research institutions and foundations.
  • The association can establish, within its scope of activities, units for economic and other activities, under legally defined conditions.

Student associations

University faculties, University-level interdisciplinary studies and the Student Dormitory have their own Union branches.

A student association aims at the following:

  • ethical, intellectual, cultural and scientific growth of students at the Faculty,
  • promotion and awareness of the need for IT education,
  • organizing students and raising their awareness of their own values that are at the same time the main value of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • supporting and protecting its members,
  • working on social and material student status,
  • improvement of the teaching process,
  • cooperation with alumni and new students and student organizations,
    organizing round tables, public discussions, seminars, symposium and other cultural events,
  • promotion of the Faculty in the country and abroad,
  • promotion of the city of Mostar and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • international cooperation with similar institutions,
  • promotion of cooperation between the Faculty management and students.

Branch student associations of the Student Union:

  • Student association of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (AS MFMO)
  • Student association of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (AS GFMO)
  • Student association of the Faculty of Information Technologies (AS FIT)
  • Student association of the Law (AS PFMO)
  • Student association of the Teacher-Training Faculty (AS NFMO)
  • Student association of the Faculty of Humanities (AS FHN)
  • Student association of the Faculty of Economy (AS EFMO)
  • Student association of the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty (AS AFMO)
  • Student association of the University healthcare study program (AS ZN)
  • Student association of the University study program on Interior Design (AS DI)
  • Student association of the University Tourism study program (AS T)
  • Student association of the Interdisciplinary study program on Business Informatics (AS PI)
  • Student association of the University Student Dormitory (AS SC)

Student Union activities:

  • Representing student rights and interests before the bodies of the University and state institutions in B&H.
  • Student standard and rights.
  • International cooperation with student organizations and scientific and research institutions and foundations.


  1. Organizing round tables, public discussions, campaigns, seminars and workshops
  2. Student University league
  3. University debate competition
  4. Debating competition for students and high school students in the city of Mostar
  5. Knowledge quiz “My 1000 year old land”
  6. Chess tournament on the occasion of marking University anniversary
  7. Intensive work on Student conference of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  8. Literary competition on the Statehood Day
  9. Organizing SPSS workshop
  10. Library holdings and physical reconstruction of the University library
  11. Student Union scroll of honor
  12. Organizing winter trips to the Bosnian mountains
  13. Organizing excursions to the Adriatic coast
  14. Organizing humanitarian activities on the occasion of religious holidays and the New Year’s Day.
  15. Voluntary blood donations at all faculties
  16. Competition for the best video material about Independence Day of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  17. Ceremony to mark the Independence Day of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  18. Marking the world’s days of poetry, diabetes, breast cancer prevention, fight against corruption
  19. Free iftar meals f during the month of fasting for Muslims...