Univerzitet Dzemal Bijedi


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Univerzitet "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru se zalaže za rodnu ravnopravnost.
Trenutno važeći GAP i drugi dokumenti su dostupni ovdje.

Management and administrative services of the University "Džemal Bijedić" are located in the Rectorate building which consists of: the rector's office, the vice-rector's offices, the office for international cooperation, the secretariat of the University with legal services and the accounting and financial service, the office for quality assurance and the offices of the University IT staff center.

University rector
dr. sc. Alena Huseinbegović, professor
E-mail: Alena.Huseinbegovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Vice-rector for scientific-teaching questions
dr. sc. Azra Špago, professor
E-mail: Azra.Krvavac[@]unmo[.]ba
Vice-rector for finance
dr. sc. Armina Hubana, associate professor
E-mail: Armina.Hubana[@]unmo[.]ba
Vice-rector for science and scientific research
dr. sc. Emir Nezirić, docent
E-mail: Emir.Neziric[@]unmo[.]ba                                           
Vice-rector for international cooperation
dr. sc. Rijad Novaković, associate professor
E-mail: Rijad.Novakovic[@]unmo[.]ba
General secretary
Alim Abazović, dipl. iur.
E-mail: Alim.Abazovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Secretary of the Cabinet of the Rector
Emina Heljić-Tumbak, professor of German language and literature
E-mail: Emina.Tumbak[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/570-727
Head of Legal, Human Resources and General Affairs
Adela Proho, mr. sc. dipl. Iur.
E-mail: Adela.Proho[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/571-314
Secretary of the University authorities
Aida Mrnđić, dipl. Iur.
E-mail: Aida.Mrndic[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-039
Work relations officer
Nedžad Crnomerović,dipl. Iur.
E-mail: Nedzad.Crnome
Technical secretary
Dženan Vukotić
E-mail: dzenan.vukotic[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-028
Head of Accounting and Financial Affairs
Azra Puce, dipl. ecc
E-mail: Azra.Puce[@]unmo[.]ba
Telefon: 036/570-072
Amela Boškailo, dipl. ecc
E-mail: Amela.Boskailo[@]unmo[.]ba
Elvedina Merdan,mr. sc. dipl. ecc
E-mail: Elvedina.Merdan[@]unmo[.]ba
Mevzeta Memić, dipl. ecc
E-mail: Mevzeta.Memic[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-037
Aida Dedović
E-mail: Aida.Dedovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Azemina Hadžić
E-mail: Azemina.Hadzic[@]unmo[.]ba
Jasmina Veledar
E-mail: Jasmina.Veledar[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-038
Head of the University Library
Edita Mulaosmanović, professor of Bosnian language and literature
E-mail: Edita.Mulaosmanovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/571-543
Jasminka Trešnjo, dipl. bibliotekar
E-mail: Jasminka.Tresnjo[@]unmo[.]ba
Humija Redžović
E-mail: Humija.Redzovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Manager UNIC-a
Salko Kovačić, dipl. Ing. maš.
E-mail: Salko[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-040
Technical Support Reference
Nadin Kevelj
E-mail: Nadin.Kevelj[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-029
Chief of Technical Service
Nermin Gološ
E-mail: Nermin.Golos[@]unmo[.]ba
Asmir Ugljen
E-mail: Asmir.Ugljen[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-025
Referent for international and inter-university cooperation
Mirsada Behram MA dipl. Iur.
E-mail: Mirsada.Behram[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-024
Quality Assurance Consultant and ECTS
Alim Abazović, dipl. Iur.
E-mail: Alim.Abazovic[@]unmo[.]ba
Phone: 036/281-026