Univerzitet Dzemal Bijedi


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Univerzitet "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru se zalaže za rodnu ravnopravnost.
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Herzegovina, and especially the city of Mostar have always been recognized as one of the most important participants in scientific activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Still, development of modern higher education in Mostar started in the year of 1950, when a two-year Teacher Training College was established. In the year of 1959, a postsecondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering was founded, and in 1960 a postsecondary Agricultural School. Branch departments of Law Faculty of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Economy of Sarajevo were formed in Mostar in 1970, and they grew into independent faculties in 1976.

Having recognized the demands of the society and existence of all preconditions, at the meeting held on 24th February 1975, members of the Municipal Council of the City of Mostar made a Decision on organization of preparatory activities for founding of a university in Mostar. Based on this conclusion, the Municipal Council made a Decision on appointing of an Initiative Board for establishment of a university in Mostar.

The first constituent assembly of the University was held on the 11th February 1977, when a decision was made on the official name of „Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar“. On the 14th February, the Great Hall of the National Theatre in Mostar hosted a ceremony to mark the establishment and beginning of work of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar.




In the academic year of 1977/78, Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar started working as an independent higher-education institution, consisting of: Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Law Faculty and Teacher-Training College. Other members were institutes and development centers from the entire Herzegovina area: Institute for research and Development SOUR-a APRO Herzegovina, Institute for use and protection of karst water resources - Hydro Power Plant on Trebisnjica, Institute for study and development of the Company RO Hydro Power Plants on Neretva, Institute of economic development, Institute of Defense, Tobacco Institute. Before the year of 1992, the University was developing toward a position of a respectable higher education institution in the state.



University during the war

During the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dzemal Bijedic University lost most of its infrastructure and many teaching staff members, which brought to a short interruption of its teaching process. As early as 1993, with minimal preconditions, the University continues its work, and on the 19th December 1993, and the first step was making of a Decision on appointment of new members of the University Council.

The Council appointed deans of all faculties on the 12th January 1994, and on the 20th January 1994, Kerim Slipičević, a full professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, was appointed as a new rector of the University.

During the war, the teaching process was organized in the premises provided by the War Presidency of Mostar Municipality, and after the aggression ended, the University moved to the ex military barracks Sjeverni Logor.

University today

Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar is an integrated, accredited higher-education institution consisting of the eight members: Agromediterranean Faculty, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Information Technologies, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Law. The University currently ca. 5,000 students, enrolled in 26 study programs of the 1st cycle, 20 study programs of the 2nd cycle and thee study programs of the 3rd cycle. More than 200 full-time professors, assistants and office workers are active in the teaching process, ca. 150 expert associates.

What needs to be emphasized is the fact that not only donors, but the University itself also invested in the infrastructure. University own financial investment totaled over 10 million KM. More than 12,000 m2 of new space has been constructed, so today capacities of the most of the faculties meet the standards for each type of premises: amphitheaters, classrooms and laboratories, including space needed for work of teachers. Construction of a new, modern student dormitory located within the University campus is underway.

University mission

Mission of Dzemal Bijedic of Mostar is to organize a wide spectar of educational processes of various content and levels, to perform theoretical, applied and developmental research and become one of the leaders in education of young experts needed for development of economy and the society in the University catchment area, but also in a wider context of cultural and social development of the region and the state.  

The University achieves its mission by continuous education of the university staff members, ongoing improvement of the educational process and the quality of management and leadership. 

University vision

Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar is aiming to be a flexible, functional and socially responsible higher-education institution, recognized in the region for its modern study programs of all cycles, and oriented toward cooperation, internationalization and high quality.